Michelangelo Buonarroti

This is a website of Michelangelo Buonarroti:
I read some of the paragraph in this site
and look at the pictures. Also, I click many
other links in this site.This website seperate
Mr.Michelangelo life in three different parts
" Early life, Mid year and final days". I learned
when Mr.Michelangelo in his early life is is an
famous artist. "Masterpiece" is a synonymous
to him. Then at the Mid year part Michelangelo
tried to refuse the commission of drawing for the
kingdom, but it isn't successed. In 1512 he already
paint 300 figures in Sistine Chapel. In 1541 he
made the biggest fresco in his life.

-----------The gorgeousest seperate line---------------

The Rondanini Pieta
By Michelangelo Buonarroti

In 1556, Michelangelo Buonarroti almost making this carve he love to do this at that time. Michelangelo almost design this statue every days and didn't sleep. He almost didn't sleep when he made this statue. This is a stutue that the mother love her son.

I choose this picture of statue to put on my blog because I think this statue shows the love of Mother perfectly. Michelangelo used that Mother want to protect her son so her body is a little curved.

-----------The exclusive seperate line-------------------

Michelangelo Buonarroti

Michelangelo Buonarroti made this biggest fresco in his final life in 1541. It is a fresco of Dantesque hell. He made every body in naked. After 10 years, when the civilization is hindbound he draw his own picture.

I choose this picture becuase I think the painting in final life is dark style. There are many dark things in this picture. I think it signify his thought a lot. At the early life his painting is uasally light, but in the final isn't.

1 comment:

Savant English School said...

This is a decent job, but it is completely off-topic. The topic for this week was the city of florence, not Michelangelo... You can use the paper you get every other wednesday to know the topic of the blog.