Albrecht Duerer

Adoration of the Trinity / 1511 / Albrecht Duerer
This is another symmetrical painting I found that have
a pigeon that symbols peace and hope. And Every one in
this painting who stares at Jesus looks pious and with
worship. I can't understand why Duerer can draw
so dainty with paint. Beside, I like the most is Duerer's
humor. He unexceptedly draw himself under the
painting with a big sign that introduce himself and
his painting.

The Feast of the Rose Garlands / 1506 / Albrecht Duerer
This is a painting that is a little symmetrical I found.
This painting is showing the activities of the believer.
Duerer drew this painting by the magnificent composition
and entered the complicated background with many
beautiful beleivers. Also, Duerer fit in the chromatic hues
in the painting made it looks more lifelike. Duerer used
his penmanship craftsmanship to color the bishop to
make his clothes looks like metal.
Two good site for everyone:

1 comment:

Savant English School said...

Good work. You have done better this time at saying things that have substance. keep it up!