This site about the rich of Roman I find
in the internet. I read the paragraph in
This is another site of the nobles entertainment.
in the internet. I read the paragraph in
this site and I look at some picture in this
site. I learned the rich people in rome they
will have some special sofa in their house.
The sofa is slant so easy for them to digest.
Also, the rich people have their own house
the country and they have their own slave.
The rich people will teach their children to
Wow! This is a long website I find in the net.
I read at some paragraph in this site. Also, I
look at all the picture in this site. I learned the
Sometimes they will have to died. This site also
talk about the slave in Rome and some law in
Rome are contradiction.

This is another site of the nobles entertainment.
There is no any picture in this site. I read at some
part of the site. In the ancient Rome they are very
bloody. They like to see the blood. I learned their
arena have many people. Most is the slave or some
volunteer warrior. The rich and the nobles usually
is the spectator. They have many different kinds of
Picture1: This picture is the arena of the ancient Rome.
Picture2: This picture is about the rich people's house.
Picture2: This picture is about the rich people's house.
Picture3: This picture is the theater of the rich people.
1 comment:
Alright. Not your best work, but not a bad job either. That second site is really long. You did alright searching. I think that is an area everyone in class needs to work on.
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