This is a site about some Athens' history
and some introduce of thier ancient law. I
look through the picture and read all the
and some introduce of thier ancient law. I
look through the picture and read all the
600BC a legislator formed the laws. At the
first their laws were very severe. Many
laws used the death penalty. Then, there
was a democracy king distroied the death
penalty, but in a short time he was been
their expedition. It's often fight with persians.
This is the second site I find. It is a long
site, so I just skim through the paragraph.
Also, I look at the large head picture on the
This is another website about socrates. This
is a short website about socrates's philosophy.
I look through the website, but there isn't any
picture in this site. I learned socrates controvert
many question. He think he isn't the wisest person
in the world, and he think himself is a gadfly
annoying the state.
Picture1: This picture is about the building in the athen.
It made by some stone pillar.
Picture2: This picture is about socrates. This picture
shows someone don't like him, so they let him
drink the poision to died.
Picture3: This picture is a stone of socrates. He looks old
in this picture.
My thought:
I think the blog of this time the first site about
the athens is more easier than the site about
socrates. I like to read about the athen more than
a person's introduce.
1 comment:
Ok. Try putting spaces betweeen each of your links. Your format isn't as nice this time. You still did a fine job, though and completed the assignment.
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