I read all the sentences in this website and look
at all the pictures in this website. This website
This website is find in a kid's website. I think it

at all the pictures in this website. This website
also have other cool content. I learned the egyp-
tians called this place "kemet" means the Dark
Land. The early human almost lived near the
river, and they used the Nile river's water. That
made them be rich, but there still some poor pe-
This website is find in a kid's website. I think it

this website, too. Also, there are some cool intr-
oduce of the Sphinx. I learned the Sphinx was
made by pharaoh head and lion body. That the
sphinx is more and more older now it is going to
This is a long website so I read the first paragraph
the others just skim over, and the only picture in the
Also, they used the crude hinder that them can protect
their country. I learned that they already have the belief
of the god.
Picture1: This is a strange statue made like a pharaoh.The
statue looks yuck.
Picture2: This is the word they use long time ago. I don't
know what it's means.
Picture3: This is a picture of the mummy. The once on the
mummy is the devil in the myth.
My Thought:
I'm not sure that the work I make this time is right or
wrong. It's was some strange I think.
1 comment:
Pretty good work. I love studying ancient Egypt. I hope you'll continue to explore this part of history, even though we have moved on in class. Nice blogging!
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