I found this website is about some stone tools.I
read all the things in this website.Also,I see all the
picture in this website.I think the "Early Archaic
dart point"looks very cool.I learned there were many
stone tools were gone now we can't find them,and already
at long time ago they start to make the beautiful tools.
The tools will change more useful.

This is a website about the homo habilis.I read all the
sentence there,too.because the sentences are short in
this website.I learned their jaw are smaller then us.
Also,here have some cool picture about they change to
the people.I learned they will use many different things
to made the tools already.

http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/permanent/humanorigins/history/early.php I found this good site about the early tools.i read
some other link in this site.I think they are
interesting.You can see some different tools in
this website.This website write the first tools make
before 2.5 billion years ago.I learned here have teach
about how to make fire,also on of the site in the website
have write about the first human in the world.
Picture 1:those are three defferent kind of hand axes were
made by matel and woolds.It is more useful then the stone
axe.The maker of the axe is smart I think.
Picture 2:here is many defferent kind of stone tools.All were
made by a long time ago.I thougt there are alluseful before.
There are some weapons in here.
Picture 3:this is a human very long time ago.It looks very
defferent than people.But this kind of human's
brain is very close then people,they are big too.
My thought:I think this time have many crazy site when I search
the website.I like to make this kind of blog,because I think this is
very interesting to my.The tools is cool to me.
hello!please tell me
what I do wrong.Leave
the comment here.
I think you didn't do wrong it look cool.I hope you can get 5 happy face
Awesome blogging, as usual. You learned a lot. I'm glad you are as interested in early people as myself! You really did find some amazing websites and easy to read as well. Good work!
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