The rise of man
I look all the page of this website,because it is
very short.I see many different picture in this
website.Also,in this site have write about "lucy"
the first skull we had find.I learned many different
kind of australopithecus.Some can use the stone to
open some hard food.And the old australopithecus
were all small then us.They are not tall.

I just skim this website.I read some paraghaph of this website.I learned Richard Leakey borned in December
nineteenth at 1944,and he was died.Here I learned
he found his first fussils in 1972.Isn't same then
other website,but I'm not sure I study the corect
years or not.

I found this website about finding Lucy.I read this
website a few time.I think there have many words
I don't know.I learned some people think Lucy is
smarter then the ape.And some researcher find out
her bone isn't same like us.Her bone will hinder she
to move.I think Lucy look like male,but they find out
she is female.

Picture 1:This is a picture of people's evolution.A long time
ago,people look like monkeys.Also,people changing to stand
Picture 2:This is Richard Leakey.Maybe he is watching his
skulls.It looks some yucky.
Picture 3:This is the skull of lucy.I thought her teeth space to
nose is bigger then us.Look like ape.


Debby said...

Danny your homepage go where download very good.

Savant English School said...

Great work. You found some cool websites and seemed to learn a bit. Lucy is indeed cool, though she probably is not related to us. Your format is much better than last week. Good work!