
this website is telling
about some evolution.
and the evolution need a lot of year
to change.There genes only have very
little chance can mutation.

↑This picture is about
people's evolution.We can
know people like a lizard

I know Darwin's dissert have some
scientist find some of his dissert had

some wrong,but in that time is very
hard to know the things in the earth.
↑on this picture I can
know the different bird
can eat the different fo-
od.Like the big nib one
eat the plant.The medi-
um one will eat the pla-
nt,too,but not so much.
The small nib will eat t-
he insect.

1 comment:

Savant English School said...

Pretty good work. You seem to have explored the sites and learned some more about evolution. I like the second site better